August 10, 2013

Welcome to the world my little heart.....

When you opened your eyes for the first time I knew,
I knew you were the reason I lived all the years I did. 
The first time I saw you smirk and smile 
My heart fluttered and my eyes misted over. 
You are the most beautiful creation of the Universe,
whether there is a plan or we are random, 
the sight of you lying there flailing your arms and legs 
is all that is needed to make me a believer. 
You are the alpha and omega of beauty.
Every smile you take and for years to come 
that you will smile, I will be yours. 
My heart, my soul and my life I pledge to you
little one..promise to be there for you at every step of your way ...
and welcome you to this world with all

my heart and blessings.