January 22, 2007

how much is enough?

I dont know...but I would love to know how much is enough?
They say "What doesn't break you, it only makes you stronger!"
Does it?
Each day as the sun rises, I hope that today will be end of my miseries,
something will happen or I will be able to do something about my miserable life!!
Guess what...the sun sets and I am still exactly where I was the previous day!

The feeling of helplessness never goes away and nor does the feeling of
abandonment. By God or angels or any other force that was suppose to look after us!!

Why cant life have a spell of calm and quite and normalancy! Thats what I crave for!
Just a few days or months of normal human life, normal income, normal car that doesnt
break down every month, job,house,children,etcetra, et cetra......
Is that too much to ask for.
I know I know, there are people in this world who have a far rotten deal,
I know....but sometimes it just doesnt matter to me!
I dont feel like I am a bad person just because I want all this while people
dont have health or food or peace or other necessities!
All I want is as per my standard of life, I catch a break!
They have their wishes and desires and am sure would be venting and ranting and
cribbing just as I am for things they meed!

Yes, I want to and I know I can make things work. I can change
my circumstances...all I need is a break, a chance to make it happen!!

Is there any one listening up there??

January 10, 2007

So I was just wondering to myself....after reading yet another saga of love between a couple who could not fulfill their dreams of being together after family intervention in the Indian society way.

The thing I was thinking was... how much difference does it actually make to real life. These lofty dreams and ideas of passionate love and forever. Nothing is forever. Isnt that what life brings to our minds every time we endeavor! We live the best we know how. We deal with each day as it comes. If today you love someone and then you cant be with them....well too bad!! Thats just the way life goes.
As the years pass the memories fade away, when one day you try to recall it all seems like a distant dream. No matter how strong the feelings. Life moves on. Memories fade. New ventures are under taken!! Thats the best part. Humans are far more resilient than they think, its how you choose to move on.
Some get involved in work , some make new familes while some decide to brood for life!! So what I really came to realize was that life moves on and love,life it all is subject to change. If at a certain point you feel you cannot live another day without someone. Its not true. Life will go on. The sun will rise. People will breath.
Its just that you will have to take the first step and it will all be easy to deal with...sometimes...you dont have to deal with it either, just go with the flow and the tide will take you with it. Or I should say, if you dont fight the current,you will not sink and will eventually reach your own shore!

The best part is.....every one does...they might not like where they reach....but they reach none the less.

January 2, 2007


One of my colleagues asked me....why dont you have kids?.....ofcourse I was offended at first by his directness...but then it got me thinking....(ofcourse I didnt tell him I had medical reasons).What does it mean to be a parent?Which lead me to observe the lives of some people around me!!!
I am an Indian who has come to live in the U.S. and find my fortune in the promised land! I am pretty new at the whole culture of it all, though I had read and watched American movies all my life.
One thing that struck me here, and made me quite upset is how a lot of Indians treat their parents. They come to the U.S to study or work or make their lives better... which is completely justified. Every human being has a right to do things to improve their quality of life. Yet, the thing about them that annoys me is- they get here, live here for a while, get married and then they *HAVE KIDS*. No No thats not the annoying part, its that as soon as they realize they cannot handle the kids,because both spouses are working, or they are a single parent or they need someone to baby sit for free or house sit for them they get their parents from India on the excuse that they want them to spend time with their grand child and they cant leave U.S(supposedly because of their work) so they sponsor their parents.
That is what is extremely annoying. I mean come on!!!! Just because they are your parents does not give you the right to exploit them. A parent would always go to extreme lengths to make their child's life easy and Indians as I am sure a lot of other ethenicities would give their life for their child. I know people have their dignity and I am sure a lot of parents refuse to be treated this way.
Yet the sad fact is, they are simple people coming from a world where they give love and respect and get a lot in return too. Their thankless children get them here on pretence of love and telling them they want to give them a good life. Once the parents are here the trap is closed on them. They are helpless in this foreign land. They cant leave as their children have the money and they dont, their passports are most probably stashed away in a safe some where.
Make no mistake! They are provided with all the comforts of home, except that they are taken advantage of in the meanest of ways. With emotional blackmail being the biggest weapon and the lure of being with their grand child.
I have seen the mothers of some of these thankless beings. They cook, clean,baby-sit,wash dishes and clothes,shop and so much else. Its like getting an unpaid servant!!!
Is that all that parents mean to people now?? Do I want to be a parent and be subjected to something like this ever? After the children move out...its their life. They have to make the best of it. Parents are there if you need support(emotional) but how you manage your life should be your own responsibility. You do not have a right to exploit sweet,innocent and especially old people.
Yes, its a good gesture to invite your parents to live with you...but only if your intention is to have their company not their services. They did not give us birth to see the day when you would treat them so because you or your wife dont have time or the ability to work out your life.
I think it is disgusting!!!
Our Parents are the roots of the tree of our lives, they deserve our love and respect not to be treated as servants because they have retired after all the years they put in, in bringing us up and sacrificing their selves for the whimps of a child who grew up to be a thankless jerk!!!