August 10, 2014

The glass in my eye is stuck...

The frame caught the corner of the other frame...
shattering the glass in an infinite number.
The crunching sound and the glint of glass that caught the light...
all happened in the blink of an eye.

The water spilt out of my eyes,
the glass had entered my eye.
The pain was immense...and yet...
there was no physical piece of glass in there.

Lying on the floor,
watching the shattered frames and cracked glasses around me...
I wonder how I arrived here.

The picture that was once a memento of a special moment,
now was covered in cracked glass,
just like the fractured love now that was once my life.

I often heard that everything comes to an end
and most often in life, I have lived the end of so much.
Yet, this was one thing I never thought would end.
The endless, honest love we shared that was the centre of my life.

Am I selfish that I want you to reach out to me?
Am I spoilt to expect a phone call?
Am I immature if I look forward to a heart to heart with you?
Can I not hope for a little understanding?
A little affection....a little satisfaction?

I do not know...but the pain of your distance and loss has entered
my the shattered glass on our picture together...and makes me
weep so often....for my eye has the glass of your memory stuck in it.....

May 23, 2014

The Soul is thirsty.....

Why is the Soul thirsty?
What is that one looks for that will quench it?

I dream every day...of something new....
Most people think of me as flimsy....
I think I am a chef today and a painter tomorrow.
Somedays I do both and there are days I can be either...
The question is... is it that bad?

I feel my soul craves to be drenched in bliss...
I am not out looking for happiness but trying to find
happiness in little things on a daily basis.

I might not make sense by the standards of the rotting social norms...
I may look odd...
I may even look ridiculous to some sensible two shoes....

Yet...this is me....and I am always on the look out for like minded
people...who get it...and want to get lost in the chaos...
just to find the fleeting glimmer of....the sheer moment of joy.....

January 20, 2014

Aspire to be great...or don't... its ok !

We all have aspirations. Over the years ...the people I have met...all have something or the other they believe is their goal in life or is their destiny or they aspire to be. Some want to be Spectacular, some mediocre, some women just want a family and some men just want to be free. I have met people who aspire to be great..even if it is just at their work or job while some just want o survive and be able to breath and live to be a 100! 
Don’t you see? Even the most unambitious of us have some ambition or aspiration! 

What i wonder is if we as individuals have a right to judge the other for their decisions or aspirations? The paths they choose to lead to the way they want to go is their choice and their decision. Something they thought was the best road that leads to where they want to go or lead away from where they do not. Can we decide what is right or wrong for someone? As a parent, friend or spouse? Can we completely comprehend the reasoning and the deduction of one individual who has the sum total of their beliefs, experiences , fears and choices. I think not! We all make our decisions, we are entitled to change as our lives progress but no one gets to tell us that this is the right way to be! We be as we need to be at that point of time and then we galvanize when the moment is right. Not a moment before or after! I can choose to be a Hero or Coward! No one can tell me what is moral and what is immoral or ethical or non ethical. There is and that is my opinion entirely...just our choice of what we choose. The standards were set decades  or millenniums ago as guidelines or suggestions of what can be...but in no means can they be the prime directive of the way of life! Each life like a finger print is unique, every person has their own choices by which they get to the point of the fork in the road where they find themselves. The only guide and moral compass must be how they feel? Will that decision be the one they can live with....I don’t say people do not compromise to their circumstances.... some forks in the road lead people to decide that too, and that by no means that they are cowards or not true to their nature or worse! Its their decision to be as they are ... for the while and the rest of their time if they choose as they feel  that is the best course of this case inaction. Its a tough life, each day one makes choices and decisions that effect them. Fear may not be an option but it is very real to most. We are microcosmic in this Universe and if we look at the enormity of the Universe we realize it, but the reality is that most people do not. They are self centred and all they know is themselves, their lives and how and what effects them.... that is all that matter to them. If we look up to the stars we will see that we have 1 life that we know of and thats all we can do... is make this one the best we can! 

So note to self... aspire to be great but don’t kill yourself trying too hard , its ok if you don't want to be that either...its ok not to know what you want and it is definitely ok not to know where you are going from this point on!!