October 21, 2013

Hello Sun....its me...Flower!!

Every morning I got up, I looked up and there he was...
the Sun...shining bright, smiling down at me.
As I saw him come alive, I came alive.
It made me want to burst with colour and fragrance.
I would puff up myself, face it and then smile.
I would give me best smile...every time.

The days the sun was hidden behind clouds...or the nights
when the moon would shine,
I would still remember its warmth and glow and it would make me
wrap myself around me with its memories and still smile.

I began to believe the sun came out only for me.
I presumed that I was the reason it shone so bright.
I assumed that just to see me smile, it put out its warmth and love.

That is ...until I found out ...it was not.
The realization saddened me.
I began to shrivel day by day.
My fragrance began to fade.
And I endeavoured to wrap my self helplessly within myself.
I realized I was not that special to him.
His love was free for all and not for one.
I was ashamed to be presumptuous...
I was embarrassed to puff up and burst with happiness...
I looked around now and saw how I must look.

I died that night....and the last thought in my mind was
maybe I should at least say it out loud what I felt...
So I said... Hello Sun....its me...Flower....I love you....Thank you!!!

September 25, 2013

Look .....I long for you....

I look at you longingly...my heart aching to hold you once again...
my arms jerk involuntarily every time I see you. 
All I feel like is to reach out and touch you...
Holding my breath for you to focus on me just once...
You are lost in your thoughts...busy looking 
at this world bustle around you ... as if trying to make 
sense of this newness of existence and yet you look 
like an old soul that knows. 
Your eyes are lit with the fore knowledge of the past present and the future. 
My love for you grows and grows till I think my heart will
spontaneously burst.
Your smile your gentle touch and your beauty astounds me till 
it makes me a believer that there is a God who has created beauty in 
every iota of this green blue Earth. 
I love you... I did when you were not there....I loved the thought of you...
I love you....today when I behold your form of perfection. 
I love you ... every day ..as long as I breath you will be a part of every breath
I take...you are constantly in my thoughts....when you are not with me...
I am thinking of things I want to tell you....talk to you...
when I see you ...I want to curl up with you and never let you go...

as the world does not hold any worth unless you are near... :)

August 10, 2013

Welcome to the world my little heart.....

When you opened your eyes for the first time I knew,
I knew you were the reason I lived all the years I did. 
The first time I saw you smirk and smile 
My heart fluttered and my eyes misted over. 
You are the most beautiful creation of the Universe,
whether there is a plan or we are random, 
the sight of you lying there flailing your arms and legs 
is all that is needed to make me a believer. 
You are the alpha and omega of beauty.
Every smile you take and for years to come 
that you will smile, I will be yours. 
My heart, my soul and my life I pledge to you
little one..promise to be there for you at every step of your way ...
and welcome you to this world with all

my heart and blessings. 

March 12, 2013

Will you understand?

The news is not too good,
the dreams are getting old,
they have been dying for lack of sprinkle of creativity.

I drag my feet,
I make excuses,
I try but half heartedly.
Am I sad? Maybe...
Am I dis heartened....definitely...

I dreamt and started off on a journey,
some good turns happened,
some self discoveries happened.
I never lived up to the standards of the world.
I never made the mark I was expected to.

How do I explain?
I never set out to do that?
I started looking for something that made me happy,
kept my hands busy but also my heart and soul.

Alas I am still standing on the precipice of uncertainty,
I don't think I want what I started.
Do I answer to others why?
Do I NEED to explain?
The ones who know me...won't they understand?
or will they?