July 3, 2007

days.....like leaves on a tree....

Days could be like leaves, turning and changing.
Some flying away while some clinging on….

Where does each go…I don’t know?
Why does it go? I don’t know!

But I know that each one is special.
It’s different. Just like each snow flake is different.

One should be able to appreciate that we still have days left.
Like a few leaves left on a tree.
It is spring in our lives today but you never know….
Autumn might just be around the corner.
Today you feel your life is in full bloom but the next time you check,
It’s all gone.
It could happen that today you feel dejected that all the leaves of your life
Are falling apart but you never know, a new bud might just be hesitantly trying…..to bloom.

Never take your life for granted.
It’s never too late to take care of your tree of life.
Nurture it. Love it. Take care of.
As they say….
You only live once so make sure it’s blooming good.

1 comment:

shweta amitabh singh said...

Surbhi my deep thinking gurlfriend.......very good.