January 2, 2008

drops of sunlight!!

The last dying rays of the amber sunlight...
slant through the window,
reflect off the glass,
and make the drops of mist that have formed on my eye lashes...
go away.

I dream, I think and then I dream some more.
There are times when I look out the window and see the swaying trees.
The barren trees swaying in the cold winter wind.
I feel barren.
I dont want the night to go,
I dont want to wake up,
I dont want to face another day.

Yet I do.
For you.
I dont know who you are.
I dont know where you are.
I dont know what is it I wait for.
I know there is someone or something missing.

I will wait, I will wait till the day the drops of the first rays
of the melting sun touch my eyes and I wake up to a new day.
A new life...
or a new vision,misson or purpose of life!!!

1 comment:

shweta amitabh singh said...

Your purpose will coem to you and then you'll feel liek it all was worth living for.