March 5, 2008

Corner of my Heart...

There is a corner of my heart I seldom visit...
Every once in a while I wander in its direction.

I can hear my steps like in a hollow tomb.
There are cobwebs of time.
some paintings like memories have gathered dust over time.

I run my mind over them like I would run my hand over a steamy mirror,
I end up pressing my palm to my heart...and try to see clearly...
sometimes I do see and feel the times again... sometimes I get only figments and fleeting
moments....scraps and snaps of things gone by long ago.

My heart aches at some visits and smiles at some.
My entire being yearns to recapture the past...
my mind just sits smug...high up.....knowing it will never be...
yet my unconsolable...

I slowly extract myself from the corner and silently pull
close the door,
vowing again, vainly, to never return...

but corner tugs at the most unexpected times...

I ignore it...

yet I know it is still there...quite....waiting ....for my return...

waiting for my heart's hollow footsteps to fall in its direction.....again!!!


shweta amitabh singh said...

OMG this is so profound. Reading this i feel like I am transformed into the person in the poem and my heart feels empty. Why do we feel this way? Why do we tend to look back and feel our heart tugging in weird unhumanly directions? Why can't we go back and re-live those moments? Why?

surbhikumar said...

My dear,
We do re-visit our memories but the only sad part is we cant relive them... and in long run.....I dont think we should...those moments all together have made us what we are today and...where we are...its not a bad place to be and I dont think I want to go down another path which might be as bad or worse than this!!!!!