October 26, 2009

Askew my world is....

Take a walk one way…then look at something…it clicks…and then take different path….
It never makes sense, sometimes it all seems so simple…that it is one foot in front of the other, walk, walk, walk until you reach a point where either you turn back or take another route…
Yet there are days that there are times where nothing seems simple, the foot does not obey, it does not move and no matter what we do….it does not go….
What do we do then?
The shadows of the wind cover you…when you walk, you hear the sounds and it seems like it will work...and then there is the whistling and howling and you wonder how you can make it stop…
Everything seems to be in contradiction…life seems such a paradox….at odds and ends…and all I really want at this point is a being…who listens…understands…and helps me make sense of this illusion….or reality which seems askew…..

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