December 20, 2010

The Shell of Emptiness....

I often wonder about the shell of a snail...
It carries this empty shell on its back, which happens to be its entire world.
If it is not carrying its empty world it retreats into it,
thus shutting the rest of the universe outside.
Does it know what its doing? Is it happy living such a life?
Is its existence better than most?
Is it ok to carry one's solitude and loneliness on their being, around them, enveloped by it.
Most people do strange things to rid themselves of this shell of emptiness.
Can they? In the end...I feel we all have this shell within us.
Even when we are with loved ones, we can see we are not alone,
but there comes a moment of clarity when we realize ...everything is flimsy..... its all temporary...
love, friendship, enmity.... all the relationships we have, have a limitation....
and in the end its just us....
we are responsible for our happiness and only we can light a candle in the darkness
of our hearts and create a semblance of joy...and make peace with out solitude. the shell of the snail...are destined to carry our solitude and loneliness in our selves.....
the only difference is the snail has no choice...we as beings can shrink the size of it and become comfortable with our shells of solitary confinements by making peace with them and
acknowledging them as well as giving it its due importance thus accepting its existence and
also recognizing its presence....ergo as we identify our becomes easier to carry ... we may not get rid of it but we walk a little taller..knowing it exists and always will...we came alone...we leave alone....what we have inside....will also be what we have to comprehend....alone!!!

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