October 21, 2013

Hello Sun....its me...Flower!!

Every morning I got up, I looked up and there he was...
the Sun...shining bright, smiling down at me.
As I saw him come alive, I came alive.
It made me want to burst with colour and fragrance.
I would puff up myself, face it and then smile.
I would give me best smile...every time.

The days the sun was hidden behind clouds...or the nights
when the moon would shine,
I would still remember its warmth and glow and it would make me
wrap myself around me with its memories and still smile.

I began to believe the sun came out only for me.
I presumed that I was the reason it shone so bright.
I assumed that just to see me smile, it put out its warmth and love.

That is ...until I found out ...it was not.
The realization saddened me.
I began to shrivel day by day.
My fragrance began to fade.
And I endeavoured to wrap my self helplessly within myself.
I realized I was not that special to him.
His love was free for all and not for one.
I was ashamed to be presumptuous...
I was embarrassed to puff up and burst with happiness...
I looked around now and saw how I must look.

I died that night....and the last thought in my mind was
maybe I should at least say it out loud what I felt...
So I said... Hello Sun....its me...Flower....I love you....Thank you!!!

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