May 23, 2014

The Soul is thirsty.....

Why is the Soul thirsty?
What is that one looks for that will quench it?

I dream every day...of something new....
Most people think of me as flimsy....
I think I am a chef today and a painter tomorrow.
Somedays I do both and there are days I can be either...
The question is... is it that bad?

I feel my soul craves to be drenched in bliss...
I am not out looking for happiness but trying to find
happiness in little things on a daily basis.

I might not make sense by the standards of the rotting social norms...
I may look odd...
I may even look ridiculous to some sensible two shoes....

Yet...this is me....and I am always on the look out for like minded
people...who get it...and want to get lost in the chaos...
just to find the fleeting glimmer of....the sheer moment of joy.....

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