June 5, 2007

How I lost my baby(Einstein).

It was like any other night,
we came back home from an evening out.
Fed and walked Einstein and got ready for bed.
As my husband told him "its bed time" and rolled his ball with his foot,
something triggered Einstein off. He went for my husband's foot and
tore off a certain amount of skin.

There was blood ....so much of blood.
I called 911 and the paramedics came. (Thank God for America).

My husband was taken to the emergency room where he got 25 stiches.

We got home at 5 am and tried to sleep.
Einstein walked around us , not understanding what had happened.

I called his Vet who then suggested a few options of which at the time
putting him to sleep forever was what she suggested was best.

So we put him in the pethotel and scheduled the procedure with a heavy heart.
I cried and cried. That was to take place 3 days later.

I was upset and the day of the procedure we went to pick him up to take to the vet.

There was a girl that works for the pethotel who asked if she could adopt Einstein.
We were aghast. Over joyed! Astonished!! Elated!!

My baby had been given a chance to live.
I grabbed it.
I gave her all his paper work and information.
Signed a written page that I am giving my baby to her from now on.
She was sweet and said I could meet him anytime I liked.

I cant even begin to say how happy I am and once again my faith in God is
I love my dog and the fate that was chosen was the worst.
I felt I had let him down in so many ways.

Though now I know he will be taken care of and loved like he deserved.

But I lost him. He will no more take me for walks.
Cuddle up to me in bed.
Lick my face or feet.
My home is empty and a part of my heart that belongs to him always....will be empty too.

I pray to God he lives a long, healthy and happy life.

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