July 8, 2008

Eulogy to a dear dear friend....

He was my closest friend.
We spent hours and days and countless precious moments together.
He would listen to me, I would hear him.

We would talk hours to end about this and that.
Most people though we made no sense....and yet....
He made perfect sense to me and me to him.
His thoughts were precious pearls I would collect every time we spoke,
and would carefully sow them in a necklace.
Any time I felt lonely, alone, sad or just blank,
I would take one of those necklaces in my hand,feel each pearl and feel better.

It seems bizzare that I would write this for a person who is still alive.
And yet, he is gone.
My friend, my buddy, a friend of my soul,
has left me where I was and moved on.

I dont know for better things or not....you see...we dont talk any more.
Sure we keep in touch sporadically,
but it is not the same...
My friend....is no more ...for me.....
as he is no more there.....for me.....


The L word... said...

I know it's too much to ask but give him another chance... U know he's like this but you also knows he loves you and you are one of the few ppl he's got.

sb said...

Some times you need to remind yourself that even if a friend (specially a close friend) doesn't talk to you everyday that friend is always there for you when you need them and always close to your heart.