August 21, 2008

A moment in time!!!

A day or a moment in our lives can actually define the rest of our lives.
One little incident can change the direction of the course of our meandering river of our future.
What a lot of us know but refuse to accept is that it is a moment is time, an insignificant blimp and it will go away.
This too shall pass!
Surely there will be a new morning and there will be life and there will always be a step after the next.
Just a matter of taking the next step and letting the moment pass.
Life is like a breeze, it is all around us.
We have to let it flow.
Sometimes hot, sometimes cold, we have learn to live with it and it will never do us harm.What seems intolerable today, will be bearable tomorrow...just need to let life work its magic.
Nothing lasts forever, no joy, n sadness, we will get over and we should get over death, betrayal,sepration,frustration....its all momentary, it is all an illusion, it will all pass!!

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